Prof Martin Morgan Tuuli


Management Science

Professor Martin Morgan Tuuli is a Project Management Expert, Professor of Construction Business and Project Management and is currently Deputy Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) – a Ghanaian public tertiary institution with operational, financial and academic autonomy. Professor Tuuli is in charge of strategic leadership on Academics, Research, Training and Advisory/Consultancy Services at GIMPA. Prior to his appointment as Deputy Rector, he was the Dean of the GIMPA Business School. Professor Tuuli holds a BSc (First Class Honours) in Building Technology from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi and a PhD in Construction Project Management from the University of Hong Kong.

Professor Tuuli has an international outlook and over 20 years of consultancy, professional and research/academic experience as a distinguished award-winning scholar and visionary leader in academia and industry. Professor Tuuli’s consultancy and professional experience has been within the context of organisational development and renewal, developing, implementing, evaluating and commercially managing development and Infrastructure Projects/Programmes (specifically, Healthcare, Roads & Bridges, Rail, Mass Housing, etc.), where he has applied his expertise in Big Data Analytics/Data Science, project auditing, monitoring and evaluation, end/mid-term reviews, procurement management, capacity building/assessment, stakeholder analysis, project design and implementation, Building Information Modelling (BIM, i.e. digital construction), financial/cost management, reporting and control of projects/programmes. Notably, he has worked as Facilitator for the African Governance Architecture (AGA) programme and the Ghana and ECOWAS Parliaments programme, Technical Advisor at Parliamentary Service of Ghana, Ministry of Works and Housing, Ghana; TAC Consultancy & Training Ltd, Ghana; Quantity Surveyor at Taysec Construction Ltd, Ghana and A&QS Consortium, Ghana on projects funded by the World Bank, EU, DANIDA, etc. His research/academic leadership spans his current position as Deputy Rector and Professor at GIMPA, his previous work as Professor and Dean of the GIMPA Business School, GIMPA, Ghana, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Loughborough University, UK, Assistant Professor at the University of Westminster, UK, Research Assistant at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR and Research and Teaching Assistant at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

For more than a decade, Professor Tuuli has managed significant research projects as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigator (Co-I), funding won through competition and peer assessments. Through these projects, Professor Tuuli has researched and reported on the human factor and technology issues required to sustain the efficiency and effectiveness of projects/programmes and project-based organisations through the development and advancement of theories of, and the empirical verification and validation of strategies/mechanisms for effective teamwork. Professor Tuuli is well published in top journals in his field, including 50+ peer-reviewed journal papers, conference papers and book chapters. His research papers have been cited over 1,400 times in highly rated journals across many disciplines. He has supervised 8 PhD students to completion. Professor Tuuli is the recipient of 11 national and international awards, including fellowships, outstanding research student awards and best research paper awards from the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institution of Surveyors, the Ghana Institution of Surveyors, Emerald, Vinci and ACT Travelwise. He is a Member of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and Project Management Institute (PMI), Ghana Chapter, Institute of Project Management Professionals and Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He was also recently voted among the top 100 most influential personalities from Northern Ghana

  • PhD in Construction Project Management, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (2009)
  • Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Stage 1 & 2, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (2009)
  • BSc. (First Class Honours) in Building Technology (Quantity Surveying), Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana (2001)
  • Project/Development Management
  • Development and Review of Policy Strategies
  • Project Audit, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Probity Assurance
  • Commercial and Financial Management of Projects
  • Procurement Management (PPA, EU and World Bank procedures)
  • Development and Project Appraisal
  • Project Management and Co-ordination
  • Cost Planning, Cost Estimation and Cost Control
  • Contract Formation, Administration and Interpretation (PPA, FIDC, JCT, NEC, ICC)
  • Organisational Development
  • Project/Programme Management
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Construction
  • Capacity Development Training
  • Infrastructure Cost Management
  • Infrastructure and SDGs
  • Digitalization and Project Delivery
  • Impact Evaluation and Project Management
  • Behavioural Issues in Project Delivery
  • Capacity and Competences in Project Delivery
  • Social Sustainability through Stakeholder Management in Urban Construction Projects in China-Research Fellowship for International Young Scientists by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No 51050110139). In collaboration with Professor Li Baizhan, College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing and Professor S Rowlinson, Department of Real Estate & Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Awarded £100,000, July 2010-July 2011).
  • Developing Leadership Excellence in the Human Element of BIM Implementation; Loughborough University Maiden Developing Future Leaders Programme; (Awarded a Leadership Development Grant of £60,000 from June to October 2012).

Research Grants as Co-Investigator

  • Promoting Human Rights Awareness in Business, in collaboration with the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) and Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University, Accountability Fund of the Dutch Government (Awarded EUR100,000 in February 2018).
  • Implementing and Maintaining an Effective Continuous Improvement Culture within a Contracting Organisation, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering Doctorate with Solaglas Ltd (Principal Investigator – Professor S Emmitt, Loughborough University; Awarded: £94,677 in October 2012).
  • Managing Boundaries to Enhance Co-production in Complex Construction Projects, Research Grants Council (Hong Kong) Seed Funding Proposal (Principal Investigator – Professor Anita Liu; Co-Investigator –Professor R Fellows, Loughborough University; Awarded £65,000 in March 2012).


Other Grants

  • Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Programme Grant, 2020 from the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), in collaboration with Linnaeus University. (Co-applicant: Professor Richard Owusu, Linnaeus University; Awarded 290,000 Swedish crowns (SEK) in June 2020).
  • 2019 – Voted on the 2019 list of “The 100 Most Influential Personalities From Northern Ghana”.
  • 2013 – Winner of the Vinci Price for Best Research Paper on BIM at the Sustainable Building & Construction Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Coventry, UK.
  • 2013 – Winner of ACT Travelwise Award for work presented at the 13th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Rio 2013, Brazil.
  • 2013 – Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013, for the article entitled “Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context” published in Team Performance Management Journal Special Issue on Leadership in Projects.
  • 2011 – Recipient of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyor’s Outstanding PhD Thesis Award 2010.
  • 2010 – Recipient of the University of Hong Kong Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student Award for the 2008-2009 academic year.
  • 2009 – Winner of the Emerald/ECAM and Conference Best Paper Awards at the Global Innovation in Construction Conference 2009. Holywell Park, Loughborough University, UK.
  • 2008 – University of New South Wales Faculty of the Built Environment 2008 International Visiting Scholarship (29th March 5th April 2009).
  • 2008 – Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008, for the article entitled “Assessment and enforcement of liquidated damages in construction contracts in Ghana” published in Structural Survey Special Issue on Law in the Built Environment.
  • 2005 – Postgraduate Studentship, The University of Hong Kong.
  • 2002 – Recipient of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS) Emmanuel A. Abbam Best Overall Student in Building Economics and Quantity Surveying Award.

PhD and Doctorate Level

  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Guided Independent Reading
  • Project Management Theories
  • Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences
  • Special Topics in Project Management

Masters Level

  • Project Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Project Management
  • Advanced Project Management

Peer Reviewed Scholarly Books, and Book Chapters (published, under review)

  • Tuuli, M. M., Adaku, E., Banye, E. and Tettey, A. S. (in press), Project Scope Management, in Ofori, G. (Ed.), Project Management in Developing Country Context.
  • Rowlinson, S., Tuuli, M. M. & Koh, T. Y. (2009), Stakeholder management through relationship management, In B. Atkin and J. Borgbrant (Eds.) Performance Improvement in Construction Management: Taylor and Francis, pp. 173-193.
  • Rowlinson, S., Koh, T. Y. & Tuuli, M. M. (2010), Stakeholder management in the Hong Kong construction industry, In: E. Chinyio and P. Olomolaiye (Eds.) Construction Stakeholder Management: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 216-239.

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (published, under review)

  • Tuuli, M. M. (under review) Effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on teaching and learning: Evidence from Ghana, Social Responsibility Journal
  • Ottou, J. Baiden, B. K., Nani, G. and Tuuli, M. M. (under review) Sigma Level Metric, A Structured Approach to Measuring the Timeliness of Competitive Tendering Process, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
  • Tuuli, M. M. and van Rhee, H. (2021), How motivation, opportunity and ability (MOA) drive individual performance behaviours in projects: A test of competing models, Journal of Management in Engineering. 37 (6), 383-398
  • Ottou, J. Baiden, B. K., Nani, G. and Tuuli, M. M. (2021) Benefits of Implementing Six Sigma in Competitive Tendering Process, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 11 (2), 214-230
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2019), PPP Projects: Improvements in Stakeholder Management, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 27 (2), 544-560
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2019), Expansive learning in contemporary construction organisations: an exemplar in BIM-mediated projects, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 9 (3), 383-398.
  • Blay, K., Tuuli, M. M. & France-Mensah, J. (2019) Managing change in BIM-Level 2 projects: benefits, challenges, and opportunities, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 9 (5), 581-596.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2019), The impact of organisational culture and structure on empowerment in project settings, Greenhill Journal of Leadership and Governance (GJLG), 1 (1), 30-69.
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2018), Stakeholder Management in PPP Projects: External Stakeholders’ Perspective, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 8 (4), 403-414.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2018), What has project characteristics got to do with the empowerment of individuals, teams and organisations, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 11 (3), 708-733.
  • Liu, A. M. M., Liang, O. X., and Tuuli, M. M., Chan, I (2017), Role of government funding in fostering collaboration between knowledge-based organisations: evidence from the solar PV industry in China, Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 0 (0), 1 – 26.
  • Shen, Y., Tuuli, M. M., Xia, B. Koh, T. Y. & Rowlinson, S. (2015), Toward a model for forming psychological safety climate in construction project management. International Journal of Project Management. 33 (1), 223–35.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2015), Sociotechnical systems approach to BIM implementation in a multidisciplinary construction context, Journal of Management in Engineering (Special Issue on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in AEC Organizations: Assessment of Impact on Work Practices, Project Delivery and Organizational Behaviour), 31 (1).
  • Tuuli, M. M. Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R. & Liu, A. M. M. (2015), Individual level antecedents of psychological empowerment, Journal of Management in Engineering, 31 (2), 04014036-1-10.
  • Beetham, I. F., Enoch, M. P., Tuuli, M. M., & Davison, L. J. (2014), Stakeholder perspectives on the value of parking. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. 2 (1), 195-214.
  • Kissi, J., Dainty A., & Tuuli, M. M. (2013), Examining the role of transformational leadership of portfolio managers in project performance, International Journal of Project Management. 31 (4), pp. 485–497.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R. & Liu, A. M. M. (2012), Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context, Team Performance Management Journal (Special Issue on Leadership in Projects), 18, (3/4), 149 – 175. (Winner of Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013).
  • Liu, A. M. M., Fellows, R. & Tuuli, M. M. (2011), The role of corporate citizenship values in promoting corporate social performance: Towards a conceptual model and research agenda, Construction Management & Economics, 29 (2), 173-183.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2011), Empowerment and control dynamics in project teams: A multilevel examination of the job performance consequences, Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, 1 (1), 91-94.
  • Lord, W., Liu, A. M. M., Tuuli, M. M. & Zhang, S. (2010), A Modern Contract: Developments in the UK and China, Management Procurement and Law (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers), 163 (MP4) 151-160.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S. & Koh, T. Y. (2010b), Control modes and mechanisms in construction project teams: Drivers and consequences, Construction Management & Economics, 28 (5), 451 – 465.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S. & Koh, T. Y. (2010a), Dynamics of control in construction project teams. Construction Management & Economics, 28 (2), 189 – 202.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2010), What empowers individual and teams in project settings? A critical incident analysis, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 17 (1), 9 – 20. Most Downloaded Paper in 2010
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2009b), Performance consequences of psychological empowerment, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135 (12), 1334-1347.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2009a), Empowerment in project teams: A multilevel examination of the job performance implications, Construction Management and Economics, 27 (5), 473-498. (Extended Paper).
  • Tuuli, M. M., Baiden, B. K. & Badu, E. (2007), Assessment and enforcement of liquidated and ascertained damages in construction contracts in Ghana. Structural Survey (Special Issue: Law in the Built Environment), 25 (3/4), 204-219. DOI:1108/02630800710772809(Winner of Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008).
  • Baiden, B. K. & Tuuli, M. M. (2004), Impact of quality control practices in sandcrete blocks production. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 10 (2), 53-60.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

  • Braimah, S. and Tuuli, M. M. (2018), Personal networks of women and minorities in construction projects. Proceedings of 34th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2018, Belfast, UK.
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2014), Stakeholder management in Public Private Partnership projects in Nigeria: Towards a research agenda. Proceedings of 30th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2014, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 423 – 432.
  • Gunathilaka, S., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. R. J. (2013), Critical analysis of research on project success in construction management journals, In: Smith, S. D (Ed.), Proceedings of 29th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2013, Reading, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 979-988.
  • Koh, T. Y., Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2013), A Relational Approach to High Reliability Organising for Construction Project Safety: A Research Agenda, In: Smith, S. D (Ed.), Proceedings of 29th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Reading, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 369-379.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2013c), Transitioning to Building Information Modelling capability: a sociotechnical systems perspective. Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), Salford, 5 – 6 June.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2013b), BIM implementation: From capability maturity models to implementation strategy. Proceedings of the Sustainable Building & Construction Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Coventry, UK, pp. 196-207. (Winner of the Vinci Price for Best Research Paper on BIM).
  • Banahene, K. O., & Tuuli, M. M. (2013) Towards a Framework for Briefing for Building Information Modelling (B4BIM) Enabled Projects. Proceedings of the HKU-HKHA International Conference 2013: Construction and Housing in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, 2nd – 3rd May, 2013, pp. 66-77.
  • Beetham, I. F., Enoch, M. P., Tuuli, M. M., & Davison, L. J. (2013), Stakeholder perspectives on the value of parking. Proceedings of 13th WCTR Rio 2013.
  • Hodgson, J. W., Tuuli, M. M. & Brookes, N. J. (2013) Congruence and scope for incorporating ACTIVE principles into project management competency frameworks. Proceedings of CIB World Congress. May 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M. & Dainty, A. (2013a) Sociotechnical alignment and innovation in construction: the case of BIM implementation in a heterogenous context. IN: Boyd, E. (ed.) Proceedings of the ARCOM Doctoral Workshop on BIM Management and Interoperability, Birmingham, UK, 20 June 2013, pp. 33 – 46.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Acquah, S. (2012), Do you feel what I feel? Empowerment contagion in project teams, In: Smith, S.D (Ed.), Proceedings of 28th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management. pp. 563-574.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Competing models of how motivation, opportunity, and ability drive job performance in project teams, In Laryea, S., Agbodjah, L. S., Leiringer, R. and Hughes, W. (Ed.) Proceedings of The 4th West Africa Built Environment Researchers (WABER) Conference, 24-26 July 2012, Abuja, Nigeria, pp. 1359-1366.
  • Kissi, J., Dainty, A. & Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Understanding the effect of transformation leadership behaviour of middle managers on innovation in project based organisations, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).
  • Tuuli, M. M., Koh, Y. T. & Phua, F. T. T. (2012), Relational pluralism in project settings: Towards a research agenda, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).
  • Koh, T. Y., Rowlinson, S. & Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Social capital and construction project management: a vignette and theoretical framework, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).

Prof Martin Morgan Tuuli


Management Science

Professor Martin Morgan Tuuli is a Project Management Expert, Professor of Construction Business and Project Management and is currently Deputy Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) – a Ghanaian public tertiary institution with operational, financial and academic autonomy. Professor Tuuli is in charge of strategic leadership on Academics, Research, Training and Advisory/Consultancy Services at GIMPA. Prior to his appointment as Deputy Rector, he was the Dean of the GIMPA Business School. Professor Tuuli holds a BSc (First Class Honours) in Building Technology from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi and a PhD in Construction Project Management from the University of Hong Kong.

Professor Tuuli has an international outlook and over 20 years of consultancy, professional and research/academic experience as a distinguished award-winning scholar and visionary leader in academia and industry. Professor Tuuli’s consultancy and professional experience has been within the context of organisational development and renewal, developing, implementing, evaluating and commercially managing development and Infrastructure Projects/Programmes (specifically, Healthcare, Roads & Bridges, Rail, Mass Housing, etc.), where he has applied his expertise in Big Data Analytics/Data Science, project auditing, monitoring and evaluation, end/mid-term reviews, procurement management, capacity building/assessment, stakeholder analysis, project design and implementation, Building Information Modelling (BIM, i.e. digital construction), financial/cost management, reporting and control of projects/programmes. Notably, he has worked as Facilitator for the African Governance Architecture (AGA) programme and the Ghana and ECOWAS Parliaments programme, Technical Advisor at Parliamentary Service of Ghana, Ministry of Works and Housing, Ghana; TAC Consultancy & Training Ltd, Ghana; Quantity Surveyor at Taysec Construction Ltd, Ghana and A&QS Consortium, Ghana on projects funded by the World Bank, EU, DANIDA, etc. His research/academic leadership spans his current position as Deputy Rector and Professor at GIMPA, his previous work as Professor and Dean of the GIMPA Business School, GIMPA, Ghana, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Loughborough University, UK, Assistant Professor at the University of Westminster, UK, Research Assistant at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR and Research and Teaching Assistant at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

For more than a decade, Professor Tuuli has managed significant research projects as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigator (Co-I), funding won through competition and peer assessments. Through these projects, Professor Tuuli has researched and reported on the human factor and technology issues required to sustain the efficiency and effectiveness of projects/programmes and project-based organisations through the development and advancement of theories of, and the empirical verification and validation of strategies/mechanisms for effective teamwork. Professor Tuuli is well published in top journals in his field, including 50+ peer-reviewed journal papers, conference papers and book chapters. His research papers have been cited over 1,400 times in highly rated journals across many disciplines. He has supervised 8 PhD students to completion. Professor Tuuli is the recipient of 11 national and international awards, including fellowships, outstanding research student awards and best research paper awards from the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institution of Surveyors, the Ghana Institution of Surveyors, Emerald, Vinci and ACT Travelwise. He is a Member of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and Project Management Institute (PMI), Ghana Chapter, Institute of Project Management Professionals and Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He was also recently voted among the top 100 most influential personalities from Northern Ghana

  • PhD in Construction Project Management, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (2009)
  • Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Stage 1 & 2, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (2009)
  • BSc. (First Class Honours) in Building Technology (Quantity Surveying), Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana (2001)
  • Project/Development Management
  • Development and Review of Policy Strategies
  • Project Audit, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Probity Assurance
  • Commercial and Financial Management of Projects
  • Procurement Management (PPA, EU and World Bank procedures)
  • Development and Project Appraisal
  • Project Management and Co-ordination
  • Cost Planning, Cost Estimation and Cost Control
  • Contract Formation, Administration and Interpretation (PPA, FIDC, JCT, NEC, ICC)
  • Organisational Development
  • Project/Programme Management
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Construction
  • Capacity Development Training
  • Infrastructure Cost Management
  • Infrastructure and SDGs
  • Digitalization and Project Delivery
  • Impact Evaluation and Project Management
  • Behavioural Issues in Project Delivery
  • Capacity and Competences in Project Delivery
  • Social Sustainability through Stakeholder Management in Urban Construction Projects in China-Research Fellowship for International Young Scientists by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No 51050110139). In collaboration with Professor Li Baizhan, College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing and Professor S Rowlinson, Department of Real Estate & Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Awarded £100,000, July 2010-July 2011).
  • Developing Leadership Excellence in the Human Element of BIM Implementation; Loughborough University Maiden Developing Future Leaders Programme; (Awarded a Leadership Development Grant of £60,000 from June to October 2012).

Research Grants as Co-Investigator

  • Promoting Human Rights Awareness in Business, in collaboration with the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) and Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University, Accountability Fund of the Dutch Government (Awarded EUR100,000 in February 2018).
  • Implementing and Maintaining an Effective Continuous Improvement Culture within a Contracting Organisation, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering Doctorate with Solaglas Ltd (Principal Investigator – Professor S Emmitt, Loughborough University; Awarded: £94,677 in October 2012).
  • Managing Boundaries to Enhance Co-production in Complex Construction Projects, Research Grants Council (Hong Kong) Seed Funding Proposal (Principal Investigator – Professor Anita Liu; Co-Investigator –Professor R Fellows, Loughborough University; Awarded £65,000 in March 2012).


Other Grants

  • Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Programme Grant, 2020 from the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), in collaboration with Linnaeus University. (Co-applicant: Professor Richard Owusu, Linnaeus University; Awarded 290,000 Swedish crowns (SEK) in June 2020).
  • 2019 – Voted on the 2019 list of “The 100 Most Influential Personalities From Northern Ghana”.
  • 2013 – Winner of the Vinci Price for Best Research Paper on BIM at the Sustainable Building & Construction Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Coventry, UK.
  • 2013 – Winner of ACT Travelwise Award for work presented at the 13th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Rio 2013, Brazil.
  • 2013 – Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013, for the article entitled “Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context” published in Team Performance Management Journal Special Issue on Leadership in Projects.
  • 2011 – Recipient of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyor’s Outstanding PhD Thesis Award 2010.
  • 2010 – Recipient of the University of Hong Kong Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student Award for the 2008-2009 academic year.
  • 2009 – Winner of the Emerald/ECAM and Conference Best Paper Awards at the Global Innovation in Construction Conference 2009. Holywell Park, Loughborough University, UK.
  • 2008 – University of New South Wales Faculty of the Built Environment 2008 International Visiting Scholarship (29th March 5th April 2009).
  • 2008 – Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008, for the article entitled “Assessment and enforcement of liquidated damages in construction contracts in Ghana” published in Structural Survey Special Issue on Law in the Built Environment.
  • 2005 – Postgraduate Studentship, The University of Hong Kong.
  • 2002 – Recipient of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS) Emmanuel A. Abbam Best Overall Student in Building Economics and Quantity Surveying Award.

PhD and Doctorate Level

  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Guided Independent Reading
  • Project Management Theories
  • Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences
  • Special Topics in Project Management

Masters Level

  • Project Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Project Management
  • Advanced Project Management

Peer Reviewed Scholarly Books, and Book Chapters (published, under review)

  • Tuuli, M. M., Adaku, E., Banye, E. and Tettey, A. S. (in press), Project Scope Management, in Ofori, G. (Ed.), Project Management in Developing Country Context.
  • Rowlinson, S., Tuuli, M. M. & Koh, T. Y. (2009), Stakeholder management through relationship management, In B. Atkin and J. Borgbrant (Eds.) Performance Improvement in Construction Management: Taylor and Francis, pp. 173-193.
  • Rowlinson, S., Koh, T. Y. & Tuuli, M. M. (2010), Stakeholder management in the Hong Kong construction industry, In: E. Chinyio and P. Olomolaiye (Eds.) Construction Stakeholder Management: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 216-239.

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (published, under review)

  • Tuuli, M. M. (under review) Effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on teaching and learning: Evidence from Ghana, Social Responsibility Journal
  • Ottou, J. Baiden, B. K., Nani, G. and Tuuli, M. M. (under review) Sigma Level Metric, A Structured Approach to Measuring the Timeliness of Competitive Tendering Process, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
  • Tuuli, M. M. and van Rhee, H. (2021), How motivation, opportunity and ability (MOA) drive individual performance behaviours in projects: A test of competing models, Journal of Management in Engineering. 37 (6), 383-398
  • Ottou, J. Baiden, B. K., Nani, G. and Tuuli, M. M. (2021) Benefits of Implementing Six Sigma in Competitive Tendering Process, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 11 (2), 214-230
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2019), PPP Projects: Improvements in Stakeholder Management, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 27 (2), 544-560
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2019), Expansive learning in contemporary construction organisations: an exemplar in BIM-mediated projects, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 9 (3), 383-398.
  • Blay, K., Tuuli, M. M. & France-Mensah, J. (2019) Managing change in BIM-Level 2 projects: benefits, challenges, and opportunities, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 9 (5), 581-596.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2019), The impact of organisational culture and structure on empowerment in project settings, Greenhill Journal of Leadership and Governance (GJLG), 1 (1), 30-69.
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2018), Stakeholder Management in PPP Projects: External Stakeholders’ Perspective, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 8 (4), 403-414.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2018), What has project characteristics got to do with the empowerment of individuals, teams and organisations, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 11 (3), 708-733.
  • Liu, A. M. M., Liang, O. X., and Tuuli, M. M., Chan, I (2017), Role of government funding in fostering collaboration between knowledge-based organisations: evidence from the solar PV industry in China, Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 0 (0), 1 – 26.
  • Shen, Y., Tuuli, M. M., Xia, B. Koh, T. Y. & Rowlinson, S. (2015), Toward a model for forming psychological safety climate in construction project management. International Journal of Project Management. 33 (1), 223–35.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2015), Sociotechnical systems approach to BIM implementation in a multidisciplinary construction context, Journal of Management in Engineering (Special Issue on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in AEC Organizations: Assessment of Impact on Work Practices, Project Delivery and Organizational Behaviour), 31 (1).
  • Tuuli, M. M. Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R. & Liu, A. M. M. (2015), Individual level antecedents of psychological empowerment, Journal of Management in Engineering, 31 (2), 04014036-1-10.
  • Beetham, I. F., Enoch, M. P., Tuuli, M. M., & Davison, L. J. (2014), Stakeholder perspectives on the value of parking. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. 2 (1), 195-214.
  • Kissi, J., Dainty A., & Tuuli, M. M. (2013), Examining the role of transformational leadership of portfolio managers in project performance, International Journal of Project Management. 31 (4), pp. 485–497.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R. & Liu, A. M. M. (2012), Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context, Team Performance Management Journal (Special Issue on Leadership in Projects), 18, (3/4), 149 – 175. (Winner of Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013).
  • Liu, A. M. M., Fellows, R. & Tuuli, M. M. (2011), The role of corporate citizenship values in promoting corporate social performance: Towards a conceptual model and research agenda, Construction Management & Economics, 29 (2), 173-183.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2011), Empowerment and control dynamics in project teams: A multilevel examination of the job performance consequences, Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, 1 (1), 91-94.
  • Lord, W., Liu, A. M. M., Tuuli, M. M. & Zhang, S. (2010), A Modern Contract: Developments in the UK and China, Management Procurement and Law (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers), 163 (MP4) 151-160.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S. & Koh, T. Y. (2010b), Control modes and mechanisms in construction project teams: Drivers and consequences, Construction Management & Economics, 28 (5), 451 – 465.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S. & Koh, T. Y. (2010a), Dynamics of control in construction project teams. Construction Management & Economics, 28 (2), 189 – 202.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2010), What empowers individual and teams in project settings? A critical incident analysis, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 17 (1), 9 – 20. Most Downloaded Paper in 2010
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2009b), Performance consequences of psychological empowerment, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135 (12), 1334-1347.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2009a), Empowerment in project teams: A multilevel examination of the job performance implications, Construction Management and Economics, 27 (5), 473-498. (Extended Paper).
  • Tuuli, M. M., Baiden, B. K. & Badu, E. (2007), Assessment and enforcement of liquidated and ascertained damages in construction contracts in Ghana. Structural Survey (Special Issue: Law in the Built Environment), 25 (3/4), 204-219. DOI:1108/02630800710772809(Winner of Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008).
  • Baiden, B. K. & Tuuli, M. M. (2004), Impact of quality control practices in sandcrete blocks production. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 10 (2), 53-60.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

  • Braimah, S. and Tuuli, M. M. (2018), Personal networks of women and minorities in construction projects. Proceedings of 34th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2018, Belfast, UK.
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2014), Stakeholder management in Public Private Partnership projects in Nigeria: Towards a research agenda. Proceedings of 30th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2014, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 423 – 432.
  • Gunathilaka, S., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. R. J. (2013), Critical analysis of research on project success in construction management journals, In: Smith, S. D (Ed.), Proceedings of 29th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2013, Reading, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 979-988.
  • Koh, T. Y., Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2013), A Relational Approach to High Reliability Organising for Construction Project Safety: A Research Agenda, In: Smith, S. D (Ed.), Proceedings of 29th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Reading, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 369-379.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2013c), Transitioning to Building Information Modelling capability: a sociotechnical systems perspective. Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), Salford, 5 – 6 June.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2013b), BIM implementation: From capability maturity models to implementation strategy. Proceedings of the Sustainable Building & Construction Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Coventry, UK, pp. 196-207. (Winner of the Vinci Price for Best Research Paper on BIM).
  • Banahene, K. O., & Tuuli, M. M. (2013) Towards a Framework for Briefing for Building Information Modelling (B4BIM) Enabled Projects. Proceedings of the HKU-HKHA International Conference 2013: Construction and Housing in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, 2nd – 3rd May, 2013, pp. 66-77.
  • Beetham, I. F., Enoch, M. P., Tuuli, M. M., & Davison, L. J. (2013), Stakeholder perspectives on the value of parking. Proceedings of 13th WCTR Rio 2013.
  • Hodgson, J. W., Tuuli, M. M. & Brookes, N. J. (2013) Congruence and scope for incorporating ACTIVE principles into project management competency frameworks. Proceedings of CIB World Congress. May 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M. & Dainty, A. (2013a) Sociotechnical alignment and innovation in construction: the case of BIM implementation in a heterogenous context. IN: Boyd, E. (ed.) Proceedings of the ARCOM Doctoral Workshop on BIM Management and Interoperability, Birmingham, UK, 20 June 2013, pp. 33 – 46.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Acquah, S. (2012), Do you feel what I feel? Empowerment contagion in project teams, In: Smith, S.D (Ed.), Proceedings of 28th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management. pp. 563-574.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Competing models of how motivation, opportunity, and ability drive job performance in project teams, In Laryea, S., Agbodjah, L. S., Leiringer, R. and Hughes, W. (Ed.) Proceedings of The 4th West Africa Built Environment Researchers (WABER) Conference, 24-26 July 2012, Abuja, Nigeria, pp. 1359-1366.
  • Kissi, J., Dainty, A. & Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Understanding the effect of transformation leadership behaviour of middle managers on innovation in project based organisations, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).
  • Tuuli, M. M., Koh, Y. T. & Phua, F. T. T. (2012), Relational pluralism in project settings: Towards a research agenda, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).
  • Koh, T. Y., Rowlinson, S. & Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Social capital and construction project management: a vignette and theoretical framework, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).

Prof Martin Morgan Tuuli


Management Science

Professor Martin Morgan Tuuli is a Project Management Expert, Professor of Construction Business and Project Management and is currently Deputy Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) – a Ghanaian public tertiary institution with operational, financial and academic autonomy. Professor Tuuli is in charge of strategic leadership on Academics, Research, Training and Advisory/Consultancy Services at GIMPA. Prior to his appointment as Deputy Rector, he was the Dean of the GIMPA Business School. Professor Tuuli holds a BSc (First Class Honours) in Building Technology from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi and a PhD in Construction Project Management from the University of Hong Kong.

Professor Tuuli has an international outlook and over 20 years of consultancy, professional and research/academic experience as a distinguished award-winning scholar and visionary leader in academia and industry. Professor Tuuli’s consultancy and professional experience has been within the context of organisational development and renewal, developing, implementing, evaluating and commercially managing development and Infrastructure Projects/Programmes (specifically, Healthcare, Roads & Bridges, Rail, Mass Housing, etc.), where he has applied his expertise in Big Data Analytics/Data Science, project auditing, monitoring and evaluation, end/mid-term reviews, procurement management, capacity building/assessment, stakeholder analysis, project design and implementation, Building Information Modelling (BIM, i.e. digital construction), financial/cost management, reporting and control of projects/programmes. Notably, he has worked as Facilitator for the African Governance Architecture (AGA) programme and the Ghana and ECOWAS Parliaments programme, Technical Advisor at Parliamentary Service of Ghana, Ministry of Works and Housing, Ghana; TAC Consultancy & Training Ltd, Ghana; Quantity Surveyor at Taysec Construction Ltd, Ghana and A&QS Consortium, Ghana on projects funded by the World Bank, EU, DANIDA, etc. His research/academic leadership spans his current position as Deputy Rector and Professor at GIMPA, his previous work as Professor and Dean of the GIMPA Business School, GIMPA, Ghana, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Loughborough University, UK, Assistant Professor at the University of Westminster, UK, Research Assistant at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR and Research and Teaching Assistant at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

For more than a decade, Professor Tuuli has managed significant research projects as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigator (Co-I), funding won through competition and peer assessments. Through these projects, Professor Tuuli has researched and reported on the human factor and technology issues required to sustain the efficiency and effectiveness of projects/programmes and project-based organisations through the development and advancement of theories of, and the empirical verification and validation of strategies/mechanisms for effective teamwork. Professor Tuuli is well published in top journals in his field, including 50+ peer-reviewed journal papers, conference papers and book chapters. His research papers have been cited over 1,400 times in highly rated journals across many disciplines. He has supervised 8 PhD students to completion. Professor Tuuli is the recipient of 11 national and international awards, including fellowships, outstanding research student awards and best research paper awards from the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institution of Surveyors, the Ghana Institution of Surveyors, Emerald, Vinci and ACT Travelwise. He is a Member of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and Project Management Institute (PMI), Ghana Chapter, Institute of Project Management Professionals and Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He was also recently voted among the top 100 most influential personalities from Northern Ghana

  • PhD in Construction Project Management, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (2009)
  • Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Stage 1 & 2, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (2009)
  • BSc. (First Class Honours) in Building Technology (Quantity Surveying), Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana (2001)
  • Project/Development Management
  • Development and Review of Policy Strategies
  • Project Audit, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Probity Assurance
  • Commercial and Financial Management of Projects
  • Procurement Management (PPA, EU and World Bank procedures)
  • Development and Project Appraisal
  • Project Management and Co-ordination
  • Cost Planning, Cost Estimation and Cost Control
  • Contract Formation, Administration and Interpretation (PPA, FIDC, JCT, NEC, ICC)
  • Organisational Development
  • Project/Programme Management
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
  • Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Construction
  • Capacity Development Training
  • Infrastructure Cost Management
  • Infrastructure and SDGs
  • Digitalization and Project Delivery
  • Impact Evaluation and Project Management
  • Behavioural Issues in Project Delivery
  • Capacity and Competences in Project Delivery
  • Social Sustainability through Stakeholder Management in Urban Construction Projects in China-Research Fellowship for International Young Scientists by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No 51050110139). In collaboration with Professor Li Baizhan, College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing and Professor S Rowlinson, Department of Real Estate & Construction, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Awarded £100,000, July 2010-July 2011).
  • Developing Leadership Excellence in the Human Element of BIM Implementation; Loughborough University Maiden Developing Future Leaders Programme; (Awarded a Leadership Development Grant of £60,000 from June to October 2012).

Research Grants as Co-Investigator

  • Promoting Human Rights Awareness in Business, in collaboration with the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) and Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University, Accountability Fund of the Dutch Government (Awarded EUR100,000 in February 2018).
  • Implementing and Maintaining an Effective Continuous Improvement Culture within a Contracting Organisation, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Engineering Doctorate with Solaglas Ltd (Principal Investigator – Professor S Emmitt, Loughborough University; Awarded: £94,677 in October 2012).
  • Managing Boundaries to Enhance Co-production in Complex Construction Projects, Research Grants Council (Hong Kong) Seed Funding Proposal (Principal Investigator – Professor Anita Liu; Co-Investigator –Professor R Fellows, Loughborough University; Awarded £65,000 in March 2012).


Other Grants

  • Linnaeus-Palme Exchange Programme Grant, 2020 from the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), in collaboration with Linnaeus University. (Co-applicant: Professor Richard Owusu, Linnaeus University; Awarded 290,000 Swedish crowns (SEK) in June 2020).
  • 2019 – Voted on the 2019 list of “The 100 Most Influential Personalities From Northern Ghana”.
  • 2013 – Winner of the Vinci Price for Best Research Paper on BIM at the Sustainable Building & Construction Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Coventry, UK.
  • 2013 – Winner of ACT Travelwise Award for work presented at the 13th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Rio 2013, Brazil.
  • 2013 – Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013, for the article entitled “Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context” published in Team Performance Management Journal Special Issue on Leadership in Projects.
  • 2011 – Recipient of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyor’s Outstanding PhD Thesis Award 2010.
  • 2010 – Recipient of the University of Hong Kong Outstanding Research Postgraduate Student Award for the 2008-2009 academic year.
  • 2009 – Winner of the Emerald/ECAM and Conference Best Paper Awards at the Global Innovation in Construction Conference 2009. Holywell Park, Loughborough University, UK.
  • 2008 – University of New South Wales Faculty of the Built Environment 2008 International Visiting Scholarship (29th March 5th April 2009).
  • 2008 – Highly Commended Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008, for the article entitled “Assessment and enforcement of liquidated damages in construction contracts in Ghana” published in Structural Survey Special Issue on Law in the Built Environment.
  • 2005 – Postgraduate Studentship, The University of Hong Kong.
  • 2002 – Recipient of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GhIS) Emmanuel A. Abbam Best Overall Student in Building Economics and Quantity Surveying Award.

PhD and Doctorate Level

  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Guided Independent Reading
  • Project Management Theories
  • Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences
  • Special Topics in Project Management

Masters Level

  • Project Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Project Management
  • Advanced Project Management

Peer Reviewed Scholarly Books, and Book Chapters (published, under review)

  • Tuuli, M. M., Adaku, E., Banye, E. and Tettey, A. S. (in press), Project Scope Management, in Ofori, G. (Ed.), Project Management in Developing Country Context.
  • Rowlinson, S., Tuuli, M. M. & Koh, T. Y. (2009), Stakeholder management through relationship management, In B. Atkin and J. Borgbrant (Eds.) Performance Improvement in Construction Management: Taylor and Francis, pp. 173-193.
  • Rowlinson, S., Koh, T. Y. & Tuuli, M. M. (2010), Stakeholder management in the Hong Kong construction industry, In: E. Chinyio and P. Olomolaiye (Eds.) Construction Stakeholder Management: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 216-239.

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers (published, under review)

  • Tuuli, M. M. (under review) Effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on teaching and learning: Evidence from Ghana, Social Responsibility Journal
  • Ottou, J. Baiden, B. K., Nani, G. and Tuuli, M. M. (under review) Sigma Level Metric, A Structured Approach to Measuring the Timeliness of Competitive Tendering Process, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
  • Tuuli, M. M. and van Rhee, H. (2021), How motivation, opportunity and ability (MOA) drive individual performance behaviours in projects: A test of competing models, Journal of Management in Engineering. 37 (6), 383-398
  • Ottou, J. Baiden, B. K., Nani, G. and Tuuli, M. M. (2021) Benefits of Implementing Six Sigma in Competitive Tendering Process, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 11 (2), 214-230
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2019), PPP Projects: Improvements in Stakeholder Management, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 27 (2), 544-560
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2019), Expansive learning in contemporary construction organisations: an exemplar in BIM-mediated projects, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 9 (3), 383-398.
  • Blay, K., Tuuli, M. M. & France-Mensah, J. (2019) Managing change in BIM-Level 2 projects: benefits, challenges, and opportunities, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 9 (5), 581-596.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2019), The impact of organisational culture and structure on empowerment in project settings, Greenhill Journal of Leadership and Governance (GJLG), 1 (1), 30-69.
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2018), Stakeholder Management in PPP Projects: External Stakeholders’ Perspective, Built Environment Project and Asset Management. 8 (4), 403-414.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2018), What has project characteristics got to do with the empowerment of individuals, teams and organisations, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 11 (3), 708-733.
  • Liu, A. M. M., Liang, O. X., and Tuuli, M. M., Chan, I (2017), Role of government funding in fostering collaboration between knowledge-based organisations: evidence from the solar PV industry in China, Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 0 (0), 1 – 26.
  • Shen, Y., Tuuli, M. M., Xia, B. Koh, T. Y. & Rowlinson, S. (2015), Toward a model for forming psychological safety climate in construction project management. International Journal of Project Management. 33 (1), 223–35.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2015), Sociotechnical systems approach to BIM implementation in a multidisciplinary construction context, Journal of Management in Engineering (Special Issue on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in AEC Organizations: Assessment of Impact on Work Practices, Project Delivery and Organizational Behaviour), 31 (1).
  • Tuuli, M. M. Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R. & Liu, A. M. M. (2015), Individual level antecedents of psychological empowerment, Journal of Management in Engineering, 31 (2), 04014036-1-10.
  • Beetham, I. F., Enoch, M. P., Tuuli, M. M., & Davison, L. J. (2014), Stakeholder perspectives on the value of parking. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. 2 (1), 195-214.
  • Kissi, J., Dainty A., & Tuuli, M. M. (2013), Examining the role of transformational leadership of portfolio managers in project performance, International Journal of Project Management. 31 (4), pp. 485–497.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S., Fellows, R. & Liu, A. M. M. (2012), Empowering the project team: Impact of leadership style and team context, Team Performance Management Journal (Special Issue on Leadership in Projects), 18, (3/4), 149 – 175. (Winner of Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013).
  • Liu, A. M. M., Fellows, R. & Tuuli, M. M. (2011), The role of corporate citizenship values in promoting corporate social performance: Towards a conceptual model and research agenda, Construction Management & Economics, 29 (2), 173-183.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2011), Empowerment and control dynamics in project teams: A multilevel examination of the job performance consequences, Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, 1 (1), 91-94.
  • Lord, W., Liu, A. M. M., Tuuli, M. M. & Zhang, S. (2010), A Modern Contract: Developments in the UK and China, Management Procurement and Law (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers), 163 (MP4) 151-160.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S. & Koh, T. Y. (2010b), Control modes and mechanisms in construction project teams: Drivers and consequences, Construction Management & Economics, 28 (5), 451 – 465.
  • Tuuli, M. M., Rowlinson, S. & Koh, T. Y. (2010a), Dynamics of control in construction project teams. Construction Management & Economics, 28 (2), 189 – 202.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2010), What empowers individual and teams in project settings? A critical incident analysis, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 17 (1), 9 – 20. Most Downloaded Paper in 2010
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2009b), Performance consequences of psychological empowerment, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135 (12), 1334-1347.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2009a), Empowerment in project teams: A multilevel examination of the job performance implications, Construction Management and Economics, 27 (5), 473-498. (Extended Paper).
  • Tuuli, M. M., Baiden, B. K. & Badu, E. (2007), Assessment and enforcement of liquidated and ascertained damages in construction contracts in Ghana. Structural Survey (Special Issue: Law in the Built Environment), 25 (3/4), 204-219. DOI:1108/02630800710772809(Winner of Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008).
  • Baiden, B. K. & Tuuli, M. M. (2004), Impact of quality control practices in sandcrete blocks production. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 10 (2), 53-60.

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

  • Braimah, S. and Tuuli, M. M. (2018), Personal networks of women and minorities in construction projects. Proceedings of 34th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2018, Belfast, UK.
  • Amadi, C., Carrillo, P. & Tuuli, M. M. (2014), Stakeholder management in Public Private Partnership projects in Nigeria: Towards a research agenda. Proceedings of 30th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2014, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 423 – 432.
  • Gunathilaka, S., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. R. J. (2013), Critical analysis of research on project success in construction management journals, In: Smith, S. D (Ed.), Proceedings of 29th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, September 2013, Reading, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 979-988.
  • Koh, T. Y., Tuuli, M. M. & Rowlinson, S. (2013), A Relational Approach to High Reliability Organising for Construction Project Safety: A Research Agenda, In: Smith, S. D (Ed.), Proceedings of 29th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Reading, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 369-379.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2013c), Transitioning to Building Information Modelling capability: a sociotechnical systems perspective. Proceedings of the Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), Salford, 5 – 6 June.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M., & Dainty, A. (2013b), BIM implementation: From capability maturity models to implementation strategy. Proceedings of the Sustainable Building & Construction Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Coventry, UK, pp. 196-207. (Winner of the Vinci Price for Best Research Paper on BIM).
  • Banahene, K. O., & Tuuli, M. M. (2013) Towards a Framework for Briefing for Building Information Modelling (B4BIM) Enabled Projects. Proceedings of the HKU-HKHA International Conference 2013: Construction and Housing in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, 2nd – 3rd May, 2013, pp. 66-77.
  • Beetham, I. F., Enoch, M. P., Tuuli, M. M., & Davison, L. J. (2013), Stakeholder perspectives on the value of parking. Proceedings of 13th WCTR Rio 2013.
  • Hodgson, J. W., Tuuli, M. M. & Brookes, N. J. (2013) Congruence and scope for incorporating ACTIVE principles into project management competency frameworks. Proceedings of CIB World Congress. May 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Sackey, E., Tuuli, M. M. & Dainty, A. (2013a) Sociotechnical alignment and innovation in construction: the case of BIM implementation in a heterogenous context. IN: Boyd, E. (ed.) Proceedings of the ARCOM Doctoral Workshop on BIM Management and Interoperability, Birmingham, UK, 20 June 2013, pp. 33 – 46.
  • Tuuli, M. M. & Acquah, S. (2012), Do you feel what I feel? Empowerment contagion in project teams, In: Smith, S.D (Ed.), Proceedings of 28th Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management. pp. 563-574.
  • Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Competing models of how motivation, opportunity, and ability drive job performance in project teams, In Laryea, S., Agbodjah, L. S., Leiringer, R. and Hughes, W. (Ed.) Proceedings of The 4th West Africa Built Environment Researchers (WABER) Conference, 24-26 July 2012, Abuja, Nigeria, pp. 1359-1366.
  • Kissi, J., Dainty, A. & Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Understanding the effect of transformation leadership behaviour of middle managers on innovation in project based organisations, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).
  • Tuuli, M. M., Koh, Y. T. & Phua, F. T. T. (2012), Relational pluralism in project settings: Towards a research agenda, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).
  • Koh, T. Y., Rowlinson, S. & Tuuli, M. M. (2012), Social capital and construction project management: a vignette and theoretical framework, Proceedings of CIB Montreal Conference (W065, TG76, TG78 and TG84).

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