Supporting our mission to Build a Sustainable Future

The GIMPA Endowment Enrichment
The Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) is an autonomous tertiary institution operating without government funding. The Institute’s financial stability was tested during the COVID-19 Pandemic, underscoring the need to address future challenges proactively. To ensure sustainability, it is crucial to seek alternative funding sources. In line with this, the GIMPA Endowment was established in March 2022 to raise one billion cedis. We invite all and sundry to get involved in creating a lasting legacy for future generations.
What is the GIMPA Endowment
The GIMPA Endowment is a fund set aside by the institution to support its long-term financial stability and strategic objectives. Contributions are usually invested to generate returns, and a portion of the proceeds is used to fund scholarships, research initiatives, endowed chairs programs and infrastructural developments.

What GIMPA Endowment Supports
These proceeds from the invested funds will be used to undertake the following key activities, among others:
- Support scholarship programs for brilliant but needy students.
- Develop/maintain research/teaching programmes that enhance student learning.
- Develop needed infrastructure to ensure a globally competitive learning environment.
- Establish Endowed Professorships to attract the best teachers/researchers to GIMPA.
Endowment Donation Options
There are many ways to give; we accept the following donation options: cash, securities, bequests, naming opportunities, corporation giving, foundation giving, and international giving. These Gifts are accepted with a solemn obligation to steward and spend the funds for, or put the gifts to, the intended goal.
Bank Details
Consolidated Bank Ghana(CBG):
Account Name: GIMPA Endowment
Account number: 0148340100010
Branch: GIMPA

Endowment policies
- Spending Policy: The GIMPA Endowment aims to fulfill three key goals: capital preservation, intergenerational equity, and stability. Capital preservation is about maintaining the endowment's purchasing power indefinitely. Intergenerational equity balances the financial needs of current and future beneficiaries, ensuring fairness in how the endowment is spent. Stability is essential for guaranteeing consistent distributions each year and minimizing the impact of short-term market fluctuations. The annual spending from the total endowment portfolio is set to be 5% of its average market value, calculated over a three-year period or as periodically adjusted by the GIMPA Council.
- Governance and Oversight: GIMPA’s leadership oversees the overall management of the endowment, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, fiduciary responsibilities, and ethical standards. Regular reviews, audits, and reporting mechanisms promote transparency, accountability, and best practices in endowment management.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is an Endowment?
Why Is an Endowment Important?
University endowments play a pivotal role in ensuring academic institutions' long-term financial health and sustainability. These endowed funds provide a stable and reliable source of income that can be used to support a wide range of university initiatives, from student scholarships and faculty research grants to capital projects and program development. By building and growing endowments, universities can enhance their ability to attract top talent, foster innovation, and provide a world-class educational experience for students.
What Does GIMPA’s Endowment Support?
The proceeds from the invested funds will support student scholarships and bursaries, faculty research, and capital projects.